ALKACLEAN HD (Bulk Carrier Cargo hold cleaner)

Product Description:

ALCACLEAN H.D. is a high-quality product.

As a general cleaner/remover of vegetable oil, animal oil, fat, fuel oil, lubricating oil, and coal residues from cargo and storage tanks as well as other systems, Additionally, it eliminates various types of coal cargo residues from the cargo holds as well as carbonaceous deposits that may be present in a ship’s garage, roof walls, and hull sides owing to car exhausts. This potent concentrated mixture eliminates odours while also delivering quick and effective results. Its usage on surface coatings for aluminium, zinc, and tin is banned unless further dilution with water has been carried out.




  1. A liquid mixture that is not flammable.
  2. Effectively dissolves every fat, including dry and wet animal and vegetable oils.
  3. It cleans the cargo holds of any leftover coal cargo.
  4. Removes coal deposits effectively.
  5. Can be used as a multipurpose cleaner to get rid of grease and oil stains.
  6. A binder and removal of odour.
  7. May be combined with a certain group of goods.
  8. Water-soluble in both fresh and saltwater.
  9. Functions as an agent to neutralise acids.
  10. Affordable and simple to implement and use


A concentrated liquid alkaline water solvent called ALCACLEAN HD is made up of certain salts, detergents, and wetting agents.

Liquid is transparent and colourless.

Odour: Nonexistent

between 1.17 and 1.27 g/cm3 at 20 °C

pH level: 13

No Flash Point

Important Details:

Considered to be a highly caustic product is ALCACLEAN HD. Before using this product, operators must always refer to the Safety and Handling instructions table.


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