EVAPORATOR TREAT (Evaporator Treatment)

Product Description:

A chemical addition called EVAPORATOR TREATMENT stops the buildup of scab, scale, and sludge in systems that provide fresh water at both high and low pressure. The product works well to remove the scab that developed before using the evaporator treatment.

The roughest water is referred to as sea water. Seawater minerals react with the evaporator treatment, which stops them from settling and hitting heat transfer surfaces. The brine from the evaporator is used to dispose of those partially floating chemicals.



Product Application: 

In regular use, it minimises cleaning with acid by preventing scab and sludge which may generate in the evaporator and keeps maintenance requirements at minimum.

Features and Benefits:

  1. It’s a safe product to use in drinking water.
  2. Prevents foaming and spill over.


  1. Brine should not have a density greater than 1.5/32 (specific gravity: 1.038g/cm3). Higher brine densities result in an abrupt increase in scale formation.
  2. It is advised to remove any existing scale in the evaporator before beginning treatment. For this use, DESCALER POWDER NI or DESCALING LIQUID EXTRA are suggested.

Physical Properties:

  1. Form: A liquid concentration is typical.
  2. Colour: Usually clear or barely coloured.
  3. Odour: Mild or neutral.
  4. Density: Moderate density is needed for effective application.


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