Chemistry Name of R134a gas detail
- Property of chloride: Molecular Weight- 102.03
- Boiling Point, °C -26.1
- Critical Temperature,- °C 101.1
- Critical Pressure, Mpa -4.05
- Specific Heat of Liquid, 30°C, [KJ/(kg°C)]-1.51
- ODP 0
- GWP 0.13
- Quality standard: Purity, %, ≥99.9
- Moisture, PPm, ≤10
- Acidity, PPm, ≤0.1
- Vapor Residue, PPm ≤100
- Appearance- Colorless, No turbid
- Odor- No Strange Stench
- Commonly used in residential and commercial air conditioning systems.
- Used in refrigeration systems for supermarkets and food storage.
- Industrial refrigeration applications.
- Previously used in heat pumps.
- Phased out in many regions due to environmental regulations.
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