A calibration gas is a reference gas or gas mixture used as a comparative standard in the calibration of analytical instruments, like gas analyzers or gas detectors. Therefore, a calibration gas has to be of a precisely defined nature or composition, like zero gas or span gas, for example, 500 ppm carbon monoxide in nitrogen.


  • To be a calibration gas, the gas must be traceable to a national or international standard. Traceability is the unbroken chain of comparisons to an acceptable international standard. The calibration gas standard establishes a known analyzer response to a certified chemical component concentration. 
  • In the calibration gas, preparation tolerance (PT) and certification/analytical accuracy (CA) are of utmost importance.




Key Features:

  • Precision gas mixtures for instrument calibration.
  • Customizable compositions for specific applications.
  • Traceable to international standards.
  • High accuracy and stability.
  • Available in various cylinder sizes.



  • Ensures instrument accuracy.
  • Facilitates reliable data collection.
  • Customizable for diverse applications.
  • Adheres to international standards.
  • Convenient cylinder options.


Specification Points:

  • Gas mixture composition.
  • Traceability to recognized standards.
  • Cylinder pressure and volume specifications.
  • Shelf life and storage conditions.


Direction of Use:

Calibration gases are essential for maintaining instrument accuracy. Choose the appropriate mixture, follow handling and storage guidelines, and use them to calibrate gas analyzers, environmental sensors, and other precision instruments regularly for reliable measurements.



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