Rust Remover

Rust Remover – Packing 25 Ltrs and 210 Ltrs


The loading of ballast water over time results in the deposition of mud, silt and sediment in the ballast tanks. If this is not dealt with on a regular basis, a “permanent ballast” may accumulate, causing problems when emptying the tank and contamination of the ballast water. Unitor™ Mud & Silt Remover™ removes silt and mud from ballast tanks by attracting particles together and making them more flowing and prevents build-up of hard packed layers in tanks. A loose deposit is formed, which can be more easily removed during deep water ballast exchange.

The buildup of sediments in ballast water tanks will also create breeding grounds for micro and macro organisms and shield them from transfer through installed Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS). Sudden dislodgement of such sediments can reduce the performance of Chlorination and UV treatment and risk exceedance of D2 quality standards.

Regulators of Ballast Water Management Convention (BWM 2004) strongly recommend that removing sediment from ballast water tanks and routine cleaning is one of the key strategies for reducing the risk of the spread of Alien Invasive Species (AIS) through ballast water transfer. Routine cleaning of ballast water tanks and removal of sediment in mid-ocean or at specific facilities provided in port will reduce the number of organisms that are transported and discharged and help ballast water treatment systems to meet IMO D2 performance standards.


  • No acids, alkali or solvent
  • Biodegradable
  • Non-toxic
  • Non-pollutant
  • Effective at low concentration
  • Bind and loosen mud and silt sedimentation to form free flowing flocs for easy removal of sedimentation in Ballast Tanks


  • Highly economical in use
  • Prevents retention and build-up of invasive species
  • Maximises cargo capacity
  • Safes time and labour cost
  • Helps to comply with BWM 2004 standards
  • Improve the effect on your BWTS